Key highlights of IMO CCC 8 Sub-Committee
The IMO Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers held its 8th session, a hybrid one (CCC 8), at IMO HQ from Wednesday 14 through Friday 23 September 2022, and InterManager provides an overview of the meeting.
Amendments to the IGF Code and Development of guidelines for low-flashpoint fuels
Report of the WG on Development of Technical Provisions for safety of ships using alternative fuel
Following discussion in plenary, and having considered the report by the Working Group, the Sub-Committee approved it in general and:
- Invited interested Member States and international organizations to develop guidance for LPG bunkering to assist crews, bunker suppliers and ports in delivering LPG fuel to ships;
- Agreed to the draft Interim Guidelines for the safety of ships using LPG fuels as prepared by the Group and the associated draft MSC circular, for submission to MSC 107;
- Noted the discussion of the Group on the development of draft amendments to resolution MSC.420(97) and agreed to invite interested Member States and international organizations to contact the delegation of Japan with a view to jointly work informally on a submission to CCC 9 containing a draft revised version of resolution MSC.420(97);
- Noted the discussion on developing Interim guidelines for the safety of ships using hydrogen as fuel, in particular their scope, the concept of no leakage and on permitting emergency shut-down (ESD) protected machinery space;
- Noted the discussion of the Group on the development of guidelines for the safety of ships using ammonia as fuel, in particular the issues to be considered for amendment, addition or removal from the requirements of the IGF Code for ammonia-fuelled ships;
- Noted the discussion of the Group on the development of interim guidelines for the use of oil fuels with a flashpoint between 52°C and 60°C;
- Agreed to invite interested Member States and international organizations to liaise with IACS in submitting a new output proposal for a holistic approach at Committee level for the development of safety requirements at the needed pace to support the achievement of the Organisation’s decarbonisation goal;
- Agreed to expand the scope and amend the title of the existing output 2.3 to read “Amendments to the IGF Code and development of guidelines for alternative fuels and related technologies”, so as to accommodate for alternative fuels not considered as having a low flashpoint;
- Agreed to invite the TC Committee to consider measures to support worldwide implementation of IMO instruments related to safe decarbonisation, including the safety provisions for alternative fuels and related technologies;
- Agreed that output 2.3 should remain open for any future part A-1 IGF Code amendments, not limited to those currently considered by the Sub-Committee, so as to address upcoming urgent needs for the safety of LNG fuels in a timely fashion;
- Endorsed the updated work plan with the proposed new title, following the output title change proposed earlier;
- Agreed to re-establish the Correspondence Group on Development of Technical Provisions for Safety of Ships using Alternative Fuels, with the terms of reference prepared by the Group, and to take action, as appropriate;
- Noted the Group’s opinion that the matter of LPG cargo as fuel can be considered by correspondence and agreed to the draft instruction (ToR) prepared by the Group to the CG in order to progress the work intersessionally.
Amendments to the IMSBC Code
The Sub-Committee noted that MSC 105 had adopted amendments (06-21) to the IMSBC Code by resolution MSC.500(105) for entry into force on 1 December 2023, and that E&T 36 had commenced preparation of draft amendments (07-23) to the IMSBC Code, to be adopted as a consolidated version. After consideration at this session, E&T 37 will be instructed to finalise (07-23) to the Code, for circulation and subsequent adoption by MSC 107 in June 2023.
Discussion took place on a number of cargoes, most notably Crushed granodiorte, Celestine, and Ground granulated blast furnace slag powder, all of which were referred to E&T 37.
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Amendments to the IMDG Code
The Drafting Group on Amendments to the IMDG Code was established, and furnished with appropriate terms of reference. The SubCommittee subsequently approved the report of the Drafting Group in general, and in particular:
- Agreed to the draft amendments to provision 5.5.4 of the IMDG Code, with a view to incorporation, as appropriate, into draft amendment 42-24 to the IMDG Code and instructed the Secretariat to inform UNTDG on the draft amendments;
- Noted the deliberations of the Group on provisions for UN 1361 and referred the draft amendments to the IMDG Code to E&T 38 for further consideration; and agreed to invite interested Member States and international organizations to submit further proposals to E&T 38;
- Noted the deliberations of the Group on special provisions for UN 1362 and endorsed the Group’s opinion that the development of a new SP9xb should be considered at E&T 38, in conjunction with the discussion on documentation for 900 series maritime special provisions;
- Noted the deliberations of the Group on documentation requirements for UN 1361 and agree to refer the draft new provision of the IMDG Code to E&T 38 for further consideration;
- Noted the deliberations of the Group on packing group assignment for UN 1361 and agreed to refer the matter to E&T 38 for further consideration, with a view to providing advice to CCC 9;
- Noted the deliberations of the Group regarding recognized authority (SP907) or a person recognized by the competent authority (SP926), and endorsed the Group’s recommendation to reconsider this matter whilst agreeing that option 1 as shown in document CCC 8/6/1, paragraph 42 is more accurate;
- Noted the deliberations of the Group on paragraphs 40 and 41 of document CCC 8/6/1 and agreed to refer these matters to E&T 38 for further consideration;
- Noted the deliberations of the Group on possible consequences for the IMSBC Code and agreed to refer this matter to E&T 37, along with the relevant parts of documents CCC 8/6/1 and CCC 8/6/16, taking into account the discussion on UN 1361;
- Established the Correspondence Group on the Review of Transport Provisions for Vehicles with the terms of reference as prepared by the Group;
- Noted the deliberations of the Group on special provision 964 of the IMDG Code and referred the draft new special provision 964 to E&T 38 for further consideration.
Source: Safety4sea
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