A high-level delegation is representing #Morocco at the 33rd session of the Assembly of the International Maritime Organization #IMO, converging reports have indicated.

IMO, the United Nations specialized agency responsible for ensuring maritime safety and security and preventing marine pollution, holds its ordinary session every two years, with the possibility of holding an extraordinary session if necessary.

Led by Mohamed Abdeljalil, ministry of transport and logistics, the Moroccan delegation aims to advocate for Morocco’s candidacy to the IMO Council (2024-2025).

In addition, bilateral meetings with organization officials and ministers from member countries are on the agenda to enhance cooperation in the field of transport.

With its extensive coastline stretching across the Mediterranean and Atlantic with at least 3,500 kilometers, Morocco is strategically positioned as a maritime nation and contributes significantly to the IMO’s mission since joining in 1962.


Read More: IMO Assembly's 33rd edition: What's on the agenda?


The current session holds a crucial moment for the country as it seeks re-election to the IMO Council, representing a category alongside countries like Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Egypt, and Qatar.

The IMO Council, responsible for ensuring diverse global representation, plays a vital role in the organization’s five fundamental missions.

These missions include addressing specific interests in maritime transport and navigation, ensuring worldwide geographical representation, and approving measures to admit new intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations as observers.


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As the assembly unfolds, important decisions are on the horizon. Notably, the adoption of the Organization’s Strategic Plan for 2024-2029, along with the approval of the budget and work program for 2024-2025.

In addition, the assembly will decide on the appointment of Arsenio Antonio Dominguez Velasco from the Republic of Panama as the IMO Secretary-General, succeeding South Korean Kitack Lim.

The meeting comes a month after King Muhammad VI, in his address on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the Green March, stressed the importance of the Atlantic dimension of the country.

Soure: Morocco World NEws


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Issue 88 of Robban Assafina

(Nov./ Dec. 2023)


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