Against the backdrop of Copenhagen's maritime legacy, the World Maritime Forum is poised to make waves from February 27th to 28th. Bringing together a gathering of 450 seasoned professionals from diverse sectors, this event promises a dynamic exchange of ideas and collaborations that will redefine the course of the maritime industry.

In attendance will be a varied audience, representing shipowners, ship managers, shipbuilders, ports, classification societies, regulators, government bodies, technology companies, and service providers. This inclusive mix ensures a comprehensive dialogue on the intricate web of challenges and opportunities that weave through the global maritime landscape.


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The #forum sets sail with the aim of tackling the industry's most critical issues, from the transformative power of technology to navigating evolving regulatory frameworks. With participants spanning key sectors, the event guarantees an all-encompassing exploration of topics ranging from sustainability to digitalization, AI, and safety.

Beyond the formalities, the World Maritime Forum in Copenhagen stands as a crucible for fresh perspectives and collaborations. It acts as a catalyst for stakeholders navigating the industry's complexities, offering a space for dialogue on issues ranging from environmental sustainability to the winds of digital change. In the heart of Copenhagen, this forum becomes a pivotal juncture, illuminating the path forward for a more resilient and interconnected maritime future.


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Issue 87 of Robban Assafina

(Sept./ Oct. 2023)


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