The 80th session of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) took place from 3-7 July 2023, where emission monitoring and reduction measures such as DCS and CII were discussed.

The Committee approved draft amendments to MARPOL Annex VI regarding the revision of the IMO ship fuel oil consumption Data Collection System (DCS). The ISWG-GHG 14 session in March 2023 had discussed relevant proposals, noting broad support within the Group for the inclusion of data on transport work and on enhanced level of granularity of reported data in the DCS.

The draft amendments relate to MARPOL Annex VI Appendix IX on “Information to be submitted to the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database” (relating to regulation 27), relating to reporting of data on cargo carried. They will be put forward to MEPC 81 for adoption.


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Review of the short-term measure (CII and EEXI)

The MEPC approved the review plan of the CII regulations and guidelines, which must be completed at the latest by 1 January 2026. The plan foresees the timeline for the review of the short-term measure is described as follows:

  1. Data gathering stage: from MEPC 80 to MEPC 82 (autumn 2024)
  2. Data analysis stage: working group at MEPC 82 to be continued by a correspondence group; and
  3. Convention and Guidelines review stage: an intersessional working group between MEPC 82 and MEPC 83 (spring 2025) as well as a working group at MEPC 83.
Read More: MEPC 80 agrees on revised GHG strategy

The short-term GHG reduction measures, CII rating, EEXI and enhanced SEEMP, entered into force on 1 November 2022.

Source: Safety4sea


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Issue 85 of Robban Assafina

(May/ June 2023)


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