Oman’s Asyad Group applied the high-quality nano-epoxy coating by Asyad Drydock on Ultramax bulker Jabal Al Kawr

The new coating technology was applied for the first time in the Middle East on Minoa Marine’s Julia earlier this year at Asyad Drydock’s facility in Duqm, Oman.

The coating was applied following a full Sa 2.0 abrasive blasting surface treatment. The abrasion-resistant nano-epoxy silicone coating reduces drag significantly, thus increasing fuel efficiency and lowering carbon emissions. According to Asyad Drydock, this will also ensure less maintenance work is required during subsequent dockings. Additionally, the yard said the coating is resistant to fouling without the need to use biocides.

Read More: Asyad Drydock shows off its advanced capabilities by successfully applying new eco-friendly nano-epoxy silicone coating

With the addition of the new coating, Asyad Drydock said it now boasts an array of top coating products within its shipbuilding and repair services.  

Asyad Drydock acting chief operating officer Abdulsalam Al Rabaani said, “Being the first drydock to apply nano-epoxy silicone coating in the MENA region is a testament to our advanced ship-servicing capacities and ability to integrate the latest innovations in the industry, as we forge ahead in our pursuit of partnerships with top green solution providers.”

Asyad Drydock is the second-largest drydock in the Middle East (source: Asyad Group)

“We are extremely excited to add this novel technology to our host of offerings, allowing us to better serve our clients and cater to their various requirements. Our collaboration with Asyad Shipping also shows both of our companies’ synergy and commitment to sustainability, in line with Asyad Group’s strategy of enabling the transition to a sustainable maritime future.” 

Source: Riviera


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Issue 85 of Robban Assafina

(May/ June 2023)


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