The 2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships, with improved targets to tackle emissions, was agreed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) during the meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80), July 3–7 2023.

The revised IMO GHG Strategy includes an enhanced common ambition to reach net-zero GHG emissions from international shipping close to 2050, a commitment to ensure an uptake of alternative zero and near-zero GHG fuels by 2030, as well as indicative check-points for 2030 and 2040.

"With the Revised Strategy that you have now agreed on, we have a clear direction, a common vision, and ambitious targets to guide us to deliver what the world expects from us",
said Kitack Lim, IMO Secretary-General

Levels of ambition

Levels of ambition directing the 2023 IMO GHG Strategy are as follows:

  • Carbon intensity of the ship to decline through further improvement of the energy efficiency for new ships 

To review with the aim of strengthening the energy efficiency design requirements for ships;

  • Carbon intensity of international shipping to decline 
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To reduce CO2 emissions per transport work, as an average across international shipping, by at least 40% by 2030, compared to 2008;

  • Uptake of zero or near-zero GHG emission technologies, fuels and/or energy sources to increase 

Uptake of zero or near-zero GHG emission technologies, fuels and/or energy sources to represent at least 5%, striving for 10%, of the energy used by international shipping by 2030; and

  • GHG emissions from international shipping to reach net zero 

To peak GHG emissions from international shipping as soon as possible and to reach net-zero GHG emissions by or around, i.e. close to 2050, taking into account different national circumstances, whilst pursuing efforts towards phasing them out as called for in the Vision consistent with the long-term temperature goal set out in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement.

Indicative checkpoints
Indicative checkpoints to reach net-zero GHG emissions from international shipping:

  • To reduce the total annual GHG emissions from international shipping by at least 20%, striving for 30%, by 2030, compared to 2008; and
  • To reduce the total annual GHG emissions from international shipping by at least 70%, striving for 80%, by 2040, compared to 2008.

Basket of candidate mid-term GHG reduction measures
The 2023 GHG Strategy states that a basket of candidate measure(s), delivering on the reduction targets, should be developed and finalized comprised of both:

  • A technical element, namely a goal-based marine fuel standard regulating the phased reduction of the marine fuel’s GHG intensity; and
  • An economic element, on the basis of a maritime GHG emissions pricing mechanism.

The candidate economic elements will be assessed observing specific criteria to be considered in the comprehensive impact assessment, with a view to facilitating the finalization of the basket of measures.

The mid-term GHG reduction measures should effectively promote the energy transition of shipping and provide the world fleet a needed incentive while contributing to a level playing field and a just and equitable transition.


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Impacts on States
The strategy says that the impacts on States of a measure/combination of measures should be assessed and taken into account as appropriate before adoption of the measure in accordance with the Revised procedure for assessing impacts on States of candidate measures. Particular attention should be paid to the needs of developing countries, especially SIDS and LDCs.

Barriers and supportive actions; capacity-building and technical cooperation; R&D
In the Strategy, the Committee recognizes that developing countries, in particular LDCs and SIDS, have special needs with regard to capacity-building and technical cooperation. An appendix provides an overview of relevant IMO initiatives supporting the reduction of GHG emissions from ships.

"I believe that we have to pay more attention to support developing countries, in particular SIDS and LDCs, so that no one is left behind", said Kitack Lim, IMO Secretary-General

Life cycle GHG assessment guidelines adopted
The MEPC adopted Guidelines on life cycle GHG intensity of marine fuels (LCA guidelines) for consideration and adoption. The LCA guidelines allow for a Well-to-Wake calculation, including Well-to-Tank and Tank-to-Wake emission factors, of total GHG emissions related to the production and use of marine fuels.

Interim guidance on the use of biofuels
The MEPC approved an MEPC circular on Interim guidance on the use of biofuels under regulations 26, 27 and 28 of MARPOL Annex VI (DCS and CII).

Source: Safety4sea


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Issue 85 of Robban Assafina

(May/ June 2023)


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